Life Hack of the Genius:



I spent years discovering the simple tactics gurus like Oprah, Einstein, and Buffett used to become successful—here they are

From reading to taking naps, here is an interesting account of the habits of extraordinary people which we all can apply and benefit from. After all, life is not about what we have but what do we do with what we have.

Despite having way more responsibility than anyone else, top performers in the business world often find time to step away from their urgent work, slow down, and invest in activities that have a long-term payoff in greater knowledge, creativity, and energy. As a result, they may achieve less in a day at first, but drastically more over the course of their lives.

Ben Franklin once wisely said: “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” Perhaps the source of Buffett’s true wealth is not just the compounding of his money, but the compounding of his knowledge, which has allowed him to make better decisions. Or as billionaire entrepreneur, investor, and philanthropist Paul Tudor Jones has eloquently said, “Intellectual capital will always trump financial capital.”

Read the full article at

Post by Michael Simmons

Re-think : “Failures” or “gateway to success”


Think about this –

“You leave home to start your own business, but it goes bust by the time you’re 21 years old. Soon afterward, you lose a partner to disease; then in your 30s and 40s, you try to start a career in politics but end up losing one election after another.You might call this life trajectory a string of failures and, in despair, give up entirely. Or you could do what Abraham Lincoln did. This narrative was his life, and instead of throwing in the towel, he learned from his experiences. He then went on to become one of the most celebrated presidents in US history.Thomas Edison also didn’t believe in failure. He never gave up in his quest to create the light bulb, even after 9,999 unsuccessful attempts.”

Source: Blinkist